- Burton-Jeangros,C. ; Consoli,L ; Refle J.-E. ; Jackson Y. (2024). Pandémie de COVID-19 et travailleurs sans papiers à Genève : les traces au cours du temps des mesures liées à la crise sanitaire, Burton-Jeangros,C. ;Jackson, Y. ; Racapé,J. ; Raynault, M.-F. & A. Rea (Eds.) : Les inégalités sociales et de santé . Gestion de la crise de la Covid-19 à Bruxelles, Genève et Montréal, Éditions de l'Université de Bruxelles.
- Refle, J.-E., Burton-Jeangros, C. & Jackson, Y. (2024). Sichtbar werden. Wenn Sans-Papiers regularisiert werden. EPFL Press.
- Refle, J.-E., Burton-Jeangros, C. & Jackson, Y. (2024). Becoming visible. The effect of regularization on undocumented workers. EPFL Press.
- Refle, J.-E. (2024). Gumuscu, Sebnem. 2023. Democracy or Authoritarianism: Islamist Governments in Turkey, Egypt, and Tunisia (book review). Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Politikwissenschaft, https://doi.org/10.1007/s12286-024-00615-w
- Lenko M., Refle J.-E.., Burton-Jeangros C., Fakhoury J., Consoli L., Jackson Y. (2024) Migrant work conditions and health status – a longitudinal perspective on dirty work among undocumented and newly regularized workers, Journal of International Migration and Integration, 10.1007/s12134-024-01182-5
- Refle, J.-E., Burton-Jeangros, C. & Jackson, Y. (2024). Sortir de la clandestinité. Les conséquences de la régularisation des travailleurs sans-papiers. EPFL Press.
- Refle, J-E., Burton-Jeangros, C. & Jackson, Y. (2024). Travailleurs sans-papiers : la régularisation améliore la sécurité sociale, Sécurité Sociale CHSS, Office fédéral des assurances sociales, https://sozialesicherheit.ch/fr/travailleurs-sans-papiers-la-regularisation-ameliore-la-securite-sociale/
- Tenorio-Mucha, J., Jeffries-Tolksdorf, C., Burton-Jeangros, C.; Refle, J.-E.; Jackson, Y. (2024). Social determinants of the healthcare needs of undocumented migrants living with noncommunicable diseases: a scoping review. BMJ Public Health. https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjph-2023-000810
- Jackson, Y.-L. J., Burton-Jeangros, C., Duvoisin, A., Refle, J.-E., Consoli, L., & Fakhoury, J. (2024). Parchemins study: impact of legal status change on undocumented migrants’ health and well-being (Version 1.0.0) [Data set]. FORS data service. https://doi.org/10.48573/fys6-br62
- Ferro-Luzzi, G., Refle, J-E., Burton-Jeangros, C., & Jackson, Y. (2023). La régularisation des travailleurs sans-papiers dans le canton de Genève. Social Change in Switzerland, N°36. doi: 10.22019/SC-2023-00007
- Duvoisin, A., Refle, J.-E., Burton-Jeangros, C., Consoli, L., Fakhoury, J. and Jackson, Y. (2023) Recruitment and attrition for panel surveys of vulnerable populations.Field Methods.
- Refle, Jan-Erik (2023). Democratic ideals (1.0.0) [Dataset]. FORS data service. doi.org/10.48573/s0pr-3k16
- Refle, J. E., Fakhoury, J., Burton-Jeangros, C., Consoli, L., & Jackson, Y. (2023). Impact of legal status regularization on undocumented migrants’ self-reported and mental health in Switzerland. SSM-Population Health, 101398.
- Klaas, H., Kuhn, U., Refle, J.-E., Ryser, V.-A., Tillmann, R. & Voorpostel, M. (2023). A Dynamic Perspective on the Evolution of Perceived Stress Levels in Switzerland – drivers Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic. Longitudinal and Life Course Studies.https://doi.org/10.1332/175795921X16710561568710
- Hagose M, Burton-Jeangros C, Fakhoury J, Consoli L, Refle J-E and Jackson Y (2023) Working Conditions and Self-Reported Health Among Undocumented and Newly Regularized Migrants in Geneva: A Cross-Sectional Study. Int J Public Health 68:1606394. doi: 10.3389/ijph.2023.1606394
- Burton-Jeangros, C., Jackson, Y., Refle, J.-E. , Consoli, L., Fakhoury, J. (2023). De la clandestinité à la régularisation: espoirs et ambivalences dans les trajectoires de femmes migrantes sans-papiers, Law Clinic-10 ans, UNIGE, pp.46-51.
- Refle, J.-E. (2022). Framing democracy – Organizational perspectives on democracy in post-2011 Tunisia. British Journal for Middle Eastern Studies, http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/13530194.2022.2160304.
- Refle, J.E. (2022). Measuring democracy among ordinary citizens - challenges to studying democratic ideals, Frontiers in political science, DOI: 10.3389/fpos.2022.934996, https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fpos.2022.934996/full.
- Refle, J.E. (2022). Old civil society networks and their role for the Tunisian political landscape, Middle East Law and Governance, published online:https://brill.com/view/journals/melg/aop/article-10.1163-18763375-20221319/article-10.1163-18763375-20221319.xml
- Refle, J.-E.; Fischer, M. and Maggetti, M. (2022), Informal Europeanization Processes and Domestic Governance Networks, European Policy Analysis, https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/epa2.1138
- Refle, J.-E. (2022). Eine Demokratie auf Abruf – Tunesiens Warten auf Reformen, defacto, available at : www.defacto.expert/2022/04/27/eine-demokratie-auf-abruf-tunesiens-warten-auf-reformen/
- Klaas, H. S., Kuhn U., Refle, J.-E., Voorpostel, M., Ryser V.-A., Dasoki, N., & Tillmann, R. (2021). L’évolution du stress en Suisse – la première vague de la pandémie, une pause pour les personnes stressées. Social Change in Switzerland, N°26. doi: 10.22019/SC-2021-00003
- Refle, J.-E., Voorpostel, M., Lebert, F., Kuhn, U., Klaas, H.S., Ryser, V.-A., Dasoki, N., Monsch, G.-A., Antal, E., & Tillmann, R. (2020). First results of the Swiss Household Panel – Covid-19 Study. FORS Working Paper Series, paper 2020-1. Lausanne: FORS. Doi: 10.24440/FWP-2020-00001
- Kuhn,U. Lipps, O., Klaas, H.S., Antal, E., Dasoki, N., Lebert,F., Monsch, G.-A., Refle, J.-E., Ryser, V.-A., Tillmann, R. and Voorpostel, M. (2020). Who is most affected by the Corona crisis? An analysis of changes in stress and well-being in Switzerland, European Societies, 10.1080/14616696.2020.1839671
- Voorpostel, M., Tillmann, R, Lebert, F., Kuhn, U., Lipps, O., Ryser, V.-A., Antal, E., Monsch, G.-A., Dasoki, N.,Klaas, H.S.& Refle, J.-E.(2020). Swiss Household Panel Covid-19 Study User Guide, September 2020. Lausanne: FORS.
- van Baal , P. ; Finger, M. ; Fischer, M., Maggetti, M., Morger, L. ; Pflieger, G. and Refle, J.-E. (2019). The Swiss energy transition and the relationship with Europe. Complementary study, NRP70 Energy Turnaround / NRP71 Managing Energy Consumption
- Refle, J.-E.- (2019). Ein tunesisches Erfolgsmodell? Einflussnahme von Bewegungen auf den tunesischen Staat, Forschungsjournal Soziale Bewegungen (FJSB 2019); vol. 32, no. 2, pp. 234–247, DOI: doi.org/10.1515/fjsb-2019-0028
- (Doctoral Thesis) Refle, Jan-Erik (2019). Civil Society and Democratic Framing in Tunisia, (available at: https://serval.unil.ch/resource/serval:BIB_3F44A9F93F05.P003/REF.pdf)
- Borduas, Gabriel; Braulin, Madeleine; Goin, Elahé; Gorgoni, Matteo ; Martínez, Diana ; Michel, Antoine ; Müller, Élodie; Reveilhac, Maud; Vidal Kränzlin, Charlotte; Refle, Jan-Erik and Marquis, Lionel (2018). Le populisme à l’assaut de l’Europe.Le succès électoral des partis populistes entre crise de confiance, globalisation et clivages de valeurs, Les Cahiers de l’IEPHI, IEPHI Working Paper Series, no. 71, available at: https://www.unil.ch/iephi/home/menuinst/publications/les-cahiers-de-liephi.html
- Refle, J.-E. (2018). Workers and thieves. Labor movements and popular uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt (Book Review), in: Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social and Political Protest, vol 17, no.4, 2018,DOI 10.1080/14742837.2018.1560256
- Refle, J.-E. (2018) Dezentralisierung oder demokratische Frustration ? Kommunalwahlen in Tunesien, defacto, available at : https://www.defacto.expert/2018/05/04/dezentralisierung-oder-demokratische-frustration-kommunalwahlen-in-tunesien/
- Refle, J.-E. (2018) Networks in contention. The divisive politics of climate (Book Review), in: Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social and Political Protest, 2018, DOI 10.1080/14742837.2018.1434502
- Filliau Maxime, Haltiti Aziz, Herczeg Anna, La Ragione Loeva, Marchon Régis, Noez Baudouin, Wannakula Aratchilage Milinda, Wu Yuzhou, Refle Jan-Erik, Marquis Lionel (2016). Immigration, sécurité et comportement électoral : les Européens face aux crises économique, migratoire et sécuritaire, Les Cahiers de l'IEPHI/ IEPHI Working Paper Series, no.66, available at : www.unil.ch/iephi/home/menuinst/publications/les-cahiers-de-liephi.html
- Refle, J.-E. (2016) Youth and revolution in Tunisia (Book Review). Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social and Political Protest, 2016, DOI 10.1080/14742837.2016.1150162
- Refle, J.-E. (2016) What is a Social Movement? (Book Review). Social Movement Studies: Journal of Social and Political Protest, vol15, no.2, pp. 244-245, 201, DOI 10.1080/14742837.2015.1027765
- (Master thesis) Refle, J.-E. (2011) Convinced bureaucrats. Perceptions in ministries of foreign affairs and the changed role in a globalised world, 2011 (available at : https://rucforsk.ruc.dk/ws/files/57654375/master_finalx.pdf)
- (Project) Refle, J.-E. (2011) Democratisation in Yemen. Why is it difficult to democratize a failing state? (published at rudar.ruc.dk/handle/1800/4920)
- (Project) Refle, J.-E. (2011) Civil approaches in UN peacekeeping missions. Possible solutions to ensure long lasting peace? (available at rudar.ruc.dk/handle/1800/5169)